• Redesign Customers Login Page on Shopify

    Today we are taking the standard sign in/sign up page for customers who create an account, and customizing it to have a more modern style and animation! Before: After: Code: https://github.com/ndrishinski/blogs/commit/58b80e1ea9a4e9a36276dcd3ac17e68ba87d7330 Prefer Video? Enjoy, otherwise read on! Edit main-login.liquid In this tutorial I am working from the Dawn starter theme. Under the sections directory, open…

  • Redesign Shopify Collection Product Cards

    A collection page is a staple of every e-commerce store. In this guide, we are going to try and spruce things up a bit from the vanilla, default product card that makes up the collection page. I am working from the Dawn theme, but you should be able to apply this code to any theme…

  • Creating a Shopify App Extension in 5 minutes!

    Shopify app extensions are a unique way to create an app that is hosted on Shopify itself! Follow along to create your first app extension in just a few minutes. Just make sure you have the Shopify CLI installed and a Shopify partner account created. Code: https://github.com/ndrishinski/extension-app Prefer Video? Enjoy, otherwise read on! Create the…